• Justin Bieber - Signed Yummy Album CD   Justin Bieber - 簽名《Yummy》專輯CD
  • Justin Bieber - Signed Yummy Album CD   Justin Bieber - 簽名《Yummy》專輯CD
  • Justin Bieber - Signed Yummy Album CD   Justin Bieber - 簽名《Yummy》專輯CD

    Unlock the ultimate fan experience with this rare Miley Cyrus autographed photo, verified by CPA AUTHENTICS and the renowned RACC (REAL AUTOGRAPH COLLECTORS CLUB). The photo features anti-counterfeiting details that match the COA number, ensuring authenticity. Packaged in a sleek DOPE box, this collector's item isn’t just a piece of memorabilia—it’s a statement. Whether you’re a die-hard Miley fan or an autograph enthusiast.


    擁有這張罕見的麥莉·賽勒斯親筆簽名照片,讓你成為真正的粉絲大咖!經CPA AUTHENTICS和RACC(真實簽名收藏俱樂部)認證,照片上的防偽編號對應COA編號,保證真品無誤。附上炫酷的DOPE包裝盒,這不僅僅是一份收藏,更是一種時尚宣言。無論你是麥莉的死忠粉絲還是簽名收藏愛好者.

    Regular price £48.00
    We truly appreciate your business. We will process your order and ship it within 48 to 72 hours. Before shipping, we will send you photos for your confirmation to ensure everything meets your expectations.