• SEALED_Masayoshi_Soken_FinalFantasyXIVVinyBox
  • SEALED_Masayoshi_Soken_FinalFantasyXIVVinyBox


    Media Condition: Mint (M)
    Sleeve Condition: Mint (M)

    Brand new, factory sealed, and unopened for guaranteed quality.


    Package Production
    Illustration: Kuroimori
    Package Art Director: Ryota Nakazono (Masamune Co., Ltd.)
    Package Designer: Shinosuke Yoshida (Masamune Co., Ltd.)
    Package Coordinators: Masaki Hishida (Toyokasei Co., Ltd.), Kazuki Okano (Toyokasei Co., Ltd.)
    Package Titles: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
    Media & Arts Business Division
    Production Coordinators: Sara Aizawa, Shohei Negishi, Tatsuya Ueno
    Production Assistants: Haruka Yoshida, Natsumi Ishihara, Kazunari Hori
    Promotion Coordinators: Saki Imamoto Shogo Sugawara, Seitaro Tanaka, Miki Otani, Keisuke Kato, Lisa Harada
    Digital Content Coordinator: Yuzo Ishida
    Production Desk: Mino Iizuka, Tomoe Saito, Hayato Ota, Midori Kadota, Hikaru Suzuki, Tomomi Matsuo (Office Bolero)
    Production Producer: Akio Shiraishi
    Deputy General Manager: Soushi Yoshida
    General Manager, Media & Arts Business Division: Ruiji Abe
    President & Executive Producer: Yosuke Matsuda
    Producer & Director: Naoki Yoshida
    Assistant Producer: Nao Matsuda
    Lead Story Designers: Banri Oda, Natsuko Ishikawa
    Art Team Leads: Shinya Ichida, Yusuke Mogi
    Project Managers: Shoichi Matsuzawa, Masato Tsubaki
    Global Community Producer: Toshin Murouchi
    Community Planners: Kazuyoshi Mochizuki, Takeshi Kato
    Lead Marking Planner: Yuki Onozuka
    Special Thanks (In Alphabetical Order)
    Hiroshi Asai (Toyokasei Co. Ltd.), Takafumi Imamura
    Kento Ise (DIGITAL HEARTS), Daiki Ishikawa
    Tomohito Koishi (DIGITAL HEARTS), Ryota Ode (DIGITAL HEARTS)
    The FINAL FANTASY XIV Development Staff
    ...and YOU!
    Presented by SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.


    . A Realm Reborn Vinyl LP
    A1. Torn From The Heavens / 天より降りし力
    A2. A New Hope / 希望の都
    A3. Wailers And Waterwheels / 水車の調べ
    A4. I Am The Sea / 偉大なる母港
    A5. Under The Weight / 過重圧殺! ~蛮神タイタン討滅戦~
    B1. Out Of The Labyrinth / 絢爛 ~クリスタルタワー:シルクスの塔~
    B2. Through The Maelstrom / 混沌の渦動 〜蛮神リヴァイアサン討滅戦〜
    B3. The Scars Of Battle / 魔大戦の傷跡 ~腐敗遺跡 古アムダプール市街~
    B4. Oblivion / 忘却の彼方 ~蛮神シヴァ討滅戦~
    B5. A Light In The Storm / 嵐の中の灯火 ~怪鳥巨塔 シリウス大灯台~
    B6. Ultima / 究極幻想
    . Heavensward Vinyl LP
    C1. Heavensward
    C2. Painted Foothills / 彩られし山麓 ~高地ドラヴァニア:昼~
    C3. Ink Long Dry / 万世の言葉 ~禁書回収 グブラ幻想図書館~
    C4. Imagination / イマジネーション ~蒼天聖戦 魔科学研究所~
    C5. Heroes / 英傑 ~ナイツ・オブ・ラウンド討滅戦~
    D1. Equilibrium / 女神 ~女神ソフィア討滅戦~
    D2. Locus / ローカス ~機工城アレキサンダー:起動編~
    D3. Moebius / メビウス ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~
    D4. Rise / ライズ ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~
    D5. Of The Horde / 最期の咆哮 ~ニーズヘッグ征竜戦~
    D6. Dragonsong
    . Stormblood Vinyl LP
    E1. Storm Of Blood / 血の嵐
    E2. Crimson Sunrise / 紅の夜明け 〜クガネ:昼〜
    E3. A Father's Pride / 父の誇り 〜ヤンサ:昼〜
    E4. Triumph / 鬨の声
    E5. Songs Of Salt And Suffering / 塩と苦難の歌 〜ギラバニア湖畔地帯:昼〜
    E6. The Worm's Tail / 龍の尾 〜神龍討滅戦〜
    F1. The Garlean Territorial Anthem For Gyr Abania And Surrounding States - The Measure Of Our Reach / 我らが支配圏
    F2. Wayward Daughter / 月下彼岸花 〜蛮神ツクヨミ討滅戦〜
    F3. Beauty's Wicked Wiles / 美の謀略 〜蛮神ラクシュミ討滅戦〜
    F4. Sunrise / 千年の暁 ~朱雀征魂戦~
    F5. A Battle Decisively / 決戦 〜次元の狭間オメガ:シグマ編〜
    F6. eScape / エスケープ ~次元の狭間オメガ:アルファ編~
    F7. Dancing Mad - Movement IV / 妖星乱舞 第4楽章 〜次元の狭間オメガ:シグマ編〜
    . Shadowbringers Vinyl LP
    G1. Shadowbringers
    G2. Civilizations / シヴィライゼーションズ ~ラケティカ大森林:昼~
    G3. 'Neath Dark Waters / 冥き水底 ~テンペスト:深部~
    G4. Invincible / 砕けぬ思い ~ハーデス討滅戦~
    G5. Tomorrow And Tomorrow
    H1. Insatiable / 貪欲
    H2. What Angel Wakes Me / 目覚めの御使い ~ティターニア討滅戦~
    H3. A Long Fall / ロングフォール ~異界遺構 シルクス・ツイニング~
    H4. Return To Oblivion / 忘却の此方 〜希望の園エデン:共鳴編〜
    H5. To The Edge


    Barcode and Other Identifiers:

    Barcode 4988601468411
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10846-A BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10846-B BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10847-C BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10847-D BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10848-E BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10848-F BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10849-G BG
    Matrix / Runout SQEX-10849-H BG


    Data provided by Discogs
    Regular price £170.00
    Shipping calculated at checkout.
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    • Release Date: December 6, 2024.


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